1. Be Aware of the places you are living above your means , 4 Starbuck stops a week =$20.00 . A good pot of coffee or tea made at home = $2.00 which equals 3 or 4 servings . what do you have a traveling mug for.
Here is a new concept , pack a lunch . yes , this is a whole new way to interact with your colleagues or mother nature in a park , and save alot of bucks . Plus you know were the produce comes from ( hopefully locally) .
2. This is something I have learned studying simplicity ; One half of what you want is all you need . This little saying will help save money, lose weight , be healthier and surprise ! even happier . Wealth isn't about money . It is about feeling good about yourself . Try it , you will like it . " 1/2 OF WHAT YOU WANT IS ALL YOU NEED ."
3. Here is another 1/ 2 concept it is ; half of the fun of planning is the planning. You put together dreams and reality . Such as ; I would like a vacation to an exotic place ( dream ). I save $100 for 12 months I have $1200 ( reality) . If it doesn't work you had the fun of planning. Also the experience of making a short term goal to a long term plan . Each time you try it the better you get . See you in that exotic place next year .
Be aware when you are living beyond your means .
Remember half of what you want is all you need . These are some of the ways to fertilize your money tree.
If you can think of others , please share . Cheers!
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